Waisted Story: Self-Care Restrictions

I have been working remotely due to the pandemic. In the first few months, I was happy to be in Zoom meetings and answering phone calls in my pajamas. As time went by, I realized that my self-care regime was most impacted by the restrictions. The massages, nail days, brunch dates with the girls, and waxing appointments. Everything that kept me sane had to be cancelled. Thankfully, I could still add to my TeMi Beads collection via mail. The purple packages and the beautiful waistbeads always brought me joy.

Tonight, one of those items (or maybe two) was going to be handled. By Hakeem in 4D. We lived in the same building and would probably never have met without the restrictions.  We literally ran into each other when we had to pick up packages in the building lobby. You ever lock eyes with someone and just know that you were meant to be? Friends, lovers, or building mates? That was the question.

We hit it off and spent a lot of time either in his apartment or mine. Chatting, watching movies, eating, or talking shit. We would wonder into each other’s space so comfortably. It helped that he was a good cook too. Neither of us went hungry. I found myself working in his space too. He did not mind and set up an area for me. It was too perfect.

Me being comfortable with him is what got me in my current position. Laid down on his worktable and naked from the waist down. Don’t judge me yet! I mentioned in a vulnerable moment that my veejay was in distress because I had not gotten a wax job in months.

“Really? I can shave you if you would like.”

“Shave? I can’t see well enough down there to do it myself.”

“That’s why I offered.”

He said it so casual-like. I was a tad confused.

“Wouldn’t that bother you to see me half-naked?”

“It would be my absolute joy to help you shave. A painful but satisfying joy.”

“Painful? Why would you be in pain? That would be my veejay on the line.”

He looked me dead in the eye to make sure I understood.

“I would be rock hard through it, but I wouldn’t go any further unless it was ok with you.”

That response shut me up for the rest of the evening and it took me a few days to decide whether to take him up on it. But I was curious and seriously attracted to Hakeem. So, I sent him a text message to get his shaving materials ready. And here I am. On a blanket laid on his worktable, with my feet on the arms on his chair. His hands carefully wielding the razor while his fingers gently moving my lips to get better access. I was breathing through my mouth and trying to control my reaction to his touch. I don’t think I was successful. He finally finished and got a mirror for me to review his labor.

“You did amazing. I am sure you have done this multiple times.”

“Not on a pussy this pretty and responsive. You have been wet for me since you walked in.”

I attempted to close my legs, but he put his hands on my thighs.

“We can go back to being friends. Or we can add some benefits to the mix. I really want to put my mouth on you and taste you. Would you let me? Please.”

We stared at each other for a long minute. I opened my thighs wider and watched him exhale in relief. He grabbed my TeMi Beads waistbeads to pull me closer and slowly bent his head. I felt his breath before his warm tongue. There was going to be a happy ending to this self-care session.