Waisted Story: Corporate Wife

It’s been a hell of a week. One of those that I am not sure if being boss babe in corporate America is worth it. Projects were due, contracts had to be negotiated, and my phone rang at odd hours of the night because our international partners wanted to meet.

The family has kept me busy too. Between school, work, and their extracurricular activities, I am completely drained. As I walked towards the house, my mental checklist is still being catalogued as I hope I hadn’t dropped the ball on anything important. For a home with 3 boisterous children (2 of them teenagers), it was way too quiet when I opened the front door. The smell of food was my first welcome. Dinner was going to be amazing!

The Ring alarm chimed, and I expected one of the children to rush up to me with complaints. Instead, my LOML came out of the kitchen. I shivered in anticipation as he walked toward me. He is so FINE and all MINE.

“Hey Princess.”

He shut the door, slid my heavy purse off my shoulder, and pushed me against the side wall. His mouth on mine was always welcome. He kissed me like he missed me. All tongue and heavy breathing, hands roaming to make sure there were no lost parts since the last time he saw me, and a passion that remains even after being married for so long. By the time we parted, his thigh was between my legs and I was definitely no longer thinking about my busy week.

 “Work week done? Can we turn off the phones?”

I considered for a second and nodded, still breathless. It can all wait till Monday (or maybe late Sunday depending on if my executive assistant calls).

 “Where are the children?”

They have learned to give us 15 minutes of privacy when either of us gets home. The welcome home kiss is for mature audiences only.

“They are spending the weekend with my parents. We need the time.”

“Really? That’s great.”

I made a mental note to get a gift for my in-laws for taking them for the WHOLE weekend.

“They know that we both had a crazy week and need to de-stress with no distractions.”

He nudged me with his lower body. I laughed because I know precisely how he would prefer to de-stress.

“I’m going to take a shower and get ready for dinner.”

I detangled myself from him and walk away. He smacked my butt and headed back into the kitchen. Halfway up the stairs, he yelled out.

“Wear the dress!”

I smiled in anticipation. The dress is a long black mesh number I found online. I should have bought more than one because I cannot find it anywhere now. The dress leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Tonight, I paired it with some bright red lingerie and carefully arranged my TeMi Beads waistbeads in layers.  I checked out the final look in the mirror and nodded approvingly.

I looked amazing and he whistled when I made it back to the kitchen. Then he took off his shirt and pants. To be fair. So I could have some eye candy too.

We ate dinner and drank wine.  We talked about our week for closure, about the children, and caught up on anything we may have missed with the business. It was our way to close the box and clear the air.


At some point, he had my legs on his thighs and started rubbing my bare feet. He knew this was one of my weak points. Touch is my main love language, and he uses it A LOT.

“Feel better?”


The touch changed from soothing to sensual. His hands roamed up higher and pushed the dress up too.

“Want a massage? The house is empty. My plan is to make love to you all night long. You can scream all you want to.”

 “Yes. The house is empty. My plan is to make love to you all night long. You can scream all you want to.”

I felt my juices stir and my thighs clenched in response. It had been a while since we were in an empty home. With different rooms to play in. The possibilities had me excited.

I stood up slowly and started clearing up the dining table. The dishes and wine glasses in the sink. The condiments on the counter. He enjoyed the view and I made it worth his while. Bending over when I did not need to. Wiggling hard while getting the ice cream from the freezer. Letting my boobs bounce when I reached up for the honey.

He just watched with a smile while he stroked his penis. I could see some precum and my mouth watered. He might never quite understand the method to my madness, but he was a willing and eager participant.

When I had everything I thought I needed, I took off the mesh dress. It was the safe thing to do before he ripped it off me.

I stood in front of him in my TeMi Beads waistbeads and red lingerie. And waited. His eyes traveled up and down my body, scorching every inch of me. My nipples became tight beads while I waited for him to pounce. Ever since I got waisted, he is even more so fascinated with my body. He adores knowing that I am a boss babe making decisions for the global organization yet adorned with waistbeads that he picked out for me.

He tells me he loves that he can mentally undress me out of my suits. And leave me with just the layers of waistbeads.

I love that I can come home, after all those stressful decisions, to be his princess. To be cared for and pampered by him.

He reached for my waistbeads. And used them to direct my motions. I found myself sitting in front of him on the dining table. He separated my legs and scooted in between them, so he had unobstructed access to my wet heat. While he toyed with my cleft and wetness, I grabbed the honey and drizzled it over my nipples. Someone had to provide dessert.

I offered my nipples to him because I did not want his fingers to stray from what they were doing to me. I moaned and savored the attention he paid to them. My body hummed and I needed to lay on the dining table after my balance wavered.

Then came the ice cream on my pussy. Before I could shiver from the cold, his mouth was there to warm me up. Within minutes, I screamed his name the first of many times that weekend.