
I took off work on a Friday. It was my first day at the building pool and absolutely G.L.O.R.I.O.U.S!

I had been so busy with work and taking care of my mom. She was finally feeling much better and I felt comfortable enough to go back to my own home. Even though I love my momma, there is nothing quite like your own space, bed, and sheets. I could walk around naked again! Unless you have enjoyed that freedom, you might not understand my exuberance.

Today’s goal was to enjoy the pool. And I was ready! I had on my favorite yellow bikini with my TeMi Beads waistbeads artfully draped to show me off. I have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to relax, soak in some sun, and freely imbibe in some fruity drinks. I had to make reservations to ensure that the bar was going to be staffed but the attentive bartender made that minor inconvenience worth it.

I was on the lounge struggling to get sunscreen on the hard-to-reach areas and about ready to go to the bar for help. Then his shadow blocked my sun.

“Need some help with that?”

I looked up to match the face to the deep voice. It was Penthouse D. I don't know his name but remember when he moved in because it caused such a flurry in the single female ranks (and probably the married ones too). There were so many text messages in the group chat trying to figure out who he was and if he was married. I had to mute the notifications but now wished I had least paid some attention. I had been on the elevator with him before, but we were both on our phones, so it was polite nods and my sneaky glances to check him out.

Today I got the full display of him in snug swim trunks. Tall, dark chocolate, and sculpted abs. Saliva pooled in my mouth. I had to stop staring and swallow to respond.

“I don’t want to inconvenience you. I was going to ask the nice bartender for help.”

“I’m standing right here and would love to."

“Um...my back if you don't mind.”

He extended his hand for the sunscreen. He had big hands with long, manicured fingers that looked capable of many things. I handed the tube to him, and he flicked the cap open easily. Capable hands.

“Turn around.”

I settled into the lounger on my belly and eagerly waited to be protected from the sun’s dangerous rays. His hands did not disappoint. They were warm and strong. He started at the middle of my back and made his way up to the back of my arms and my neck. Then he made his way back down. I felt an electric sizzle everywhere he touched.  His fingers tangled with my TeMi Beads waistbeads and tugged gently. I moaned under my breath because that's a positive sexual trigger for me.

“Thank you.”

I turned around expecting him to leave. Instead, he pulled the lounger next to me closer and he sat down.

“We have not formally met although I have been trying. I’m DeShawn.”

“You've been trying to meet me?”

“Ever since our elevator meeting. I just assumed that I would run into you again. I have been regretting not asking for your number that day.”

“I travel for work and have been away taking care of my mom.”

“I was beginning to worry that security would ask me to stop asking about you.”

My eyebrows rose and a little flame of excitement lit up.

“Really? You’ve been asking about me? I am intrigued. So how can I help you?”

He laughed.

“I am just as intrigued about you. You and your yellow swimsuit caught my attention when I looked out my windows, so I cancelled the rest of my meetings. Would you mind spending the day with me?”

“Why do you think we would be compatible?”

“I would have to touch you again to answer that question. Is that ok?”

I nodded slowly because I was curious too.

He moved over to my lounger, and I sat up to make room for him. He reached out and deliberately ran his fingers up and down my right arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. His palms caressed the side of my boob in passing and my nipples responded. They also caught his attention. I could see his smile and did not mind the smugness. Two could play this game!

I leaned forward and casually laid my hand on his chest. He tensed and looked into my eyes. I could tell he was worried about me pushing him away. I slowly trailed my hand downwards, over his impressive abs, and stopped short of his trunks. I felt and heard his disappointed sigh when I stopped. I laughed.

“Ok DeShawn, since you took the day off, let’s see where hanging out together ends.”

We spent most of the morning by the pool getting to know each other. Went to our separate spaces to get ready for a lunch date, attended an outdoor concert., and had sushi for dinner. We held hands, danced, and laughed most of the day.

Back home, the doorman winked at him and nodded at our joined hands.

 “I see you finally found her.”

“And I will not be letting her go.”

We laughed as we made our way to the elevators.  We got in and pushed our respective floors.

“I was serious about that comment.”


“I had a great time today and I will not be letting you go.”

He reached out to push the emergency stop button and the elevator stopped moving. Then he backed me into the corner.

“I have always wanted to do this. I’m glad it is with you.”

He leaned down and I reached up. The kiss was not gentle. My senses reeled with the emotions that had been building with each teasing touch. His hands cupped my breasts and we both groaned.

“Are y’all ok?”

The crackle of the elevator message was a dose of ice water and halted the kiss. He laid his head on mine as we both struggled to find our breaths. He managed to respond and leaned over to restart the elevator. When the doors opened on my floor, I tried to get out.

“I have a chilled bottle of wine, my Netflix is active, and my couch is comfortable. Want to come up?”

I looked at him and let the elevator doors close.

“How comfortable is your bed?”

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